A York University Initiative

Starting in April 2024, Lina Pinto-García will join the Beautiful Brains Collaboratory as a postdoctoral researcher for the Connected Minds project at York University. Her research will explore how the context of armed conflict in Yarumal, northwestern Colombia, has shaped the experience of hereditary Alzheimer's, the production of neuroscientific knowledge, and the technological solutions under development. More broadly, this study asks how the political and historical need to remember the violent events of Yarumal relates to the intimate struggle not to forget in Alzheimer's disease.
Since 2021, Lina has been a postdoctoral researcher for the British Academy-funded Diseased Landscapes project, which is a collaboration between the Institute for Science, Innovation & Society (InSIS) at the University of Oxford (UK), the Interdisciplinary Center for Development Studies at Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), and the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at King's College London (UK). Lina holds a PhD and an MA in Science & Technology Studies (STS) from York University, an MSc in Biotechnology from the University of Strasbourg (France), and was a research fellow at Harvard's Science, Technology and Society Program in the fall of 2019.
Lina is about to publish her first book with the University of Chicago Press, titled Maraña: War and Disease in the Jungles of Colombia. It is an ethnographic examination of the relationship between leishmaniasis, a vector-borne disease, and the Colombian armed conflict. Her research on leishmaniasis has also been published in Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Critical Public Health, and Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology, and Society, among others.